Routes to Jobs

North Carolina

Credentialing the Way to Better Pay


The Routes to Jobs NC website provides county-level information to help North Carolinians secure well-paying jobs by beginning or completing postsecondary credentials. On this website, North Carolinians will find information and links to helpful resources grouped by county. Specific county-level information includes:

The County Profile
Educational Resources
Well-Paying Job Openings
Support Resources
Testimonials from Local Residents

How Can Routes to Jobs North Carolina Help You?

Embedded in the North Carolina Constitution (Article IX, Section 9) is a mandate that the General Assembly extend to the people of North Carolina the benefits of postsecondary education “as far as practicable… free of expense.” The quality of the State’s workforce and intellectual breadth and depth of our future leaders are directly related to our citizens obtaining a quality education.

Numerous studies confirm a strong link between postsecondary educational attainment, economic development, social mobility, health, and other positive societal outcomes.  A report from The National Conference of State Legislatures summarizes the benefits of postsecondary education.

More Credentials, Higher Pay

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Over a lifetime, a college-educated individual earns about $1 million more than a person without a college degree.

The gap between the median earnings of college graduates and the median earnings of high school graduates has increased significantly over the past 30 years.

Higher Education, Healthy Lifestyles

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People with higher education experience improved health, are more involved in voluntary organizations, and give more to charity than their less-educated counterparts.

Higher Education, Lower Incarceration

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“The incarceration rate of adults with some college education is about one quarter of that for those with only a high school degree. It costs about $26,000 a year to maintain a prisoner; public four-year colleges spend about $25,000 per student per year; public two-year institutions spend about $9,000 per year per student.”

Jobs Require Postsecondary Skills

The Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce estimates that in 2020, 67% of North Carolina job openings will require some postsecondary education, with 35% requiring at least a bachelor’s degree and 30% requiring some college.

National Attainment Goals Have Been Set

The Lumina Foundation has set a goal for 60% of Americans to hold degrees, certificates or other high-quality postsecondary credentials by 2025 to meet our nation’s growing need for talent.

North Carolina's Attainment Goal

Through the myFutureNC initiative, NC has set a goal that by 2030, 2 million North Carolinians 25-44 will have a postsecondary degree or credential.  This goal is more than double the current projected growth over the next 10 years.

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